COVID and air transmission: What you need to know

We're learning more about COVID-19 and how it spreads.

It's like second-hand smoke: it lingers in the air.

And then we breathe it in.

That's how some researchers now describe the transmission of COVID-19, arguing that droplet spread isn't the only thing we should be concerned about.

Three studies were published in The Lancet, The British Medical Journal, and JAMA say COVID-19 is not only airborne but that aerosol transmission should be thought of as the main mode of spread.

'Aerosol' is a broad term used to describe solid or liquid particles that are so small they can become suspended in the air and float.

Researchers are calling for improved ventilation, which can decrease the risk of contracting COVID-19.

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Not all experts agree about this airborne nature. The World Health Organization still says COVID is spread through large respiratory droplets. When asked about aerosol transmission, WHO states that it can happen, but only in specific settings - like restaurants, choir practice, or fitness classes.

Watch the video above to learn more about how temperature or airflow can help or hinder the transmission of COVID-19.

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