Spring allergies are nothing to sneeze at

Spring always gets a reaction — and it’s not always good.

The snow has melted, temperatures are milder, birds are chirping, and daylight hours are longer — all visible signs of spring. But for allergy sufferers, it also means itchy, watery eyes, non-stop sneezing, and noses either congested or running so much that an industrial-sized box of tissues a day won’t cut it.

Seasonal allergies strike at different times of the year, depending on which allergens trigger a reaction. During springtime, pollen, dust and mould are among the top culprits.

In the video above, reporter Rachel Schoutsen finds out how weather plays a role in seasonal allergies and gets expert tips on how to reduce your symptoms.

Visit our Complete Guide to Spring 2022 for an in-depth look at the Spring Forecast, tips to plan for it and much more!

Contains files from Denette Wilford