Found bunnies on your property? Here's what to do

Found bunnies? Here's how you can help keep them safe.

Between March and September, rabbits are busy taking care of babies in nests commonly found in backyards, parks, and other urban locations.

The nests, comprised of shallow depressions in the ground and covered with dry grass or fur, will house rabbits until they're about three weeks old. At that point, they'll venture out on their own.

The nesting period can be a dangerous one, according to an April 2020 Facebook post by the Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge in Jarvis, Ontario.

"Every year I hand raise about 400 or so baby cottontails," reads an excerpt from the post.

"The majority come to us because of interactions with cats and dogs."

If you have pets and find a rabbit nest on your property, there are a few ways you can keep them safe.

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Here are some tips, courtesy of the refuge:

  • Place a basket over the nest during the daytime and remove it when your pets are inside for the evening. Replace the basket every morning. This allows for the babies to remain safe during the day, and fed at night by their mother.

  • Leash your pets and keep a close eye on them for the three weeks the babies are nesting.

  • DO NOT Relocate the nest. In most instances, the mother will not be able to find them and abandon the babies.

I've found a nest and I think it's been abandoned!

If you're concerned about a nest, the Toronto Wildlife Centre recommends conducting a "string test."

Take a few pieces of yarn or light string and place them over the nest in a tic-tac-toe pattern. Take a photo.

Let the string sit overnight and check in the morning. If the string was moved, that means mom likely came back to feed the babies at night.

If the string is untouched, contact a wildlife rehabilitator.

Other ways to help

In most instances, it's best to leave a bunny nest alone. Contact a wildlife centre for advice if the bunnies appear to be sick, injured, or orphaned.

Experts say you shouldn't feed the bunnies but if you want to give them something to eat, keep your dandelions. Cottontails love them.

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If you want to deter bunnies from nesting on your property, wait until the nest has left. Next year, use visual deterrents, like garden gnomes, beachballs, or large pinwheels. Motion-detecting sprinklers will also work.

WATCH: Adorable bunnies hop out of their nest

Editor's note: This article was originally published in August 2020.

Thumbnail image courtesy: Getty Images.