Here's a map of all the upcoming cicada emergences (it goes to 2029)
A double brood of cicadas is expected to surface simultaneously this spring in the United States, something we haven't seen in more than two centuries. Get ready for the 'cicadapocalypse,' and see where cicadas will pop up in the years to come.
This spring, the U.S. Midwest will be full of bugs.
In a rare event not seen since the 1800s, 17 and 13-year cicadas will emerge simultaneously, meaning trillions of bugs will buzz around for a few weeks.
Until now, the insects have been underground, eating tree roots and aerating the soil.
But now, it's time for them to sprout wings, make some noise, mate, and exit stage left.
The US Forest Service has created a map of where all the cicada emergences will occur for the decade.
Check it out:

For the 2024 installment, 17-year cicadas born in 2007 will appear in parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois. They're highlighted in brown on the map.
Meanwhile, the cicadas born in 2011, highlighted in light blue, will spread across a much larger area, with the largest concentrations in Missouri and Illinois.
These buzzing bugs have an ingenious strategy. By emerging in massive numbers, they overwhelm predators, increasing their survival chances.
And while some may find them annoying, it's important to remember that cicadas don't bite, sting, or spread disease and they're an essential part of the ecosystem.
VIDEO: Watch cicadas emerge from its exoskeleton
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