Near 100 orcas, belugas to be freed from Russia "whale jail"
Following months in a Russia "whale jail," 98 belugas and orcas will soon be freed.
After months in Russia captivity, in what was publicly dubbed as a "whale jail," almost 100 belugas and orcas will soon be freed.
On Monday, April 8, Russia and a group of international scientists signed a joint agreement for the release of the whales that have been confined for months in overcrowded pens in Russia's Far East.
Among the scientists involved in the arrangement included Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of marine expert Jacques Cousteau, and was backed by local authorities.
It is not known when they will be freed, but it is likely to be done in phases.
Photos of the captive whales in tight enclosures in a bay near the port town of Nakhoda were initially seen in 2018, resulting in a massive public outcry for their release.
Originally, the whales were to be sold to China by a company that captured them, according to Reuters.
However, once Russia learned of the plan, it intervened and had local authorities find a solution to releasing the 11 orcas and 87 belugas, which were held in less than ideal conditions.
The Kremlin stated it would be difficult to release them into the wild without harm.

Killer whales. Getty Images.
For years, the Putin government has been pressured by various Russian environmental organizations to end its trade in ocean mammals.
Legal permits had been issued to the four companies that seized the whales, for "educational" reasons, but then the groups reportedly made deals with Chinese marine parks, as stated Monday by Reuters.
Each orca can fetch up to US$5 million each, according to various animal welfare groups that have examined the practice.
The environmental group Greenpeace has pegged the cost for a beluga at upwards of US$150,000.
Source: Reuters