Hurricanes and tsunami warnings can't stop this inspiring hiking duo

Candid Closeup is a weekly segment that features Canadians from coast to coast who love to share their weather. In this episode, The Weather Network's Kim MacDonald had the opportunity to speak with Alex Mayberry, a New Brunswick resident who has not missed a hike for the last 1700 days with his dog, Paul.

Alex Mayberry, like many dog owners, found himself with a very high-energy two-year old Golden Retriever. The Rothesay, N.B., resident thought that he would tire out his dog, Paul, by taking him on a 10-kilometre hike. It worked like a dream. By day's end, Paul was resting comfortably, and Alex could put his feet up.

The next day, Alex thought he would try it again. It worked. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and the daily hikes became an obsession for both man and dog.

Submitted/Alex Newberry:  Resident of Rothesay, NB. Alex and his Golden Retriever, Paul

Alex Mayberry and his Golden Retriever, Paul, have been hiking 10km/day for the past 1700 days (Alex Mayberry/Submitted)

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The two have hiked the trails of New Brunswick every single day for the last 5 years with no end in sight. Paul is now seven and no longer runs ahead of Alex, but he is still in great shape and is up early each morning in anticipation of the day's adventure.

Alex started to photograph his beautiful surroundings in all types of weather and post them on Instagram. Hikers, dog owners, and photographers were all drawn in by this. Eventually, it even caught the eye of tourism officials in New Brunswick and local media.

In this Candid Closeup (see video above), Alex shares his inspiring story and gorgeous photography with Kim MacDonald.

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