It rained (almost) everyday this summer for this Canadian town

For this city, the rain just wouldn't go away.

The British Columbia coast is no stranger to showers and frequent bouts of heavy rain in the fall and winter, but calling this summer a washout might even be a bit an understatement for Prince Rupert.

The jet stream didn't behave accordingly or weaken enough to give those along the North Coast a bit of a break from the rain.


The numbers are in, and they aren't pretty.

Prince Rupert attempted to close in on one metre of rainfall this meteorological summer, clocking nearly 800 mm of rain in June, July and August. That makes the summer precipitation over 200% of normal. In other words, the wettest summer on record. August was particularly anomalous with 419 mm – a staggering 250% of normal. In fact, it appears to be the third rainiest month over the past 10+ years!

On top of it all, it was the persistence of the rainfall that stands out. It rained every single day in August, a feat that is extremely unlikely to have happened before.

Other locations in southern B.C. generally tipped a little on the wet side this summer, with Cranbrook recording the 10th driest summer on record with just 57 mm of precipitation.

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After out sluggish start to summer across most of B.C., summer 2.0 is set to load; the warm weather is set to spill north, and yes, even give a long overdue stretch of dry and warm weather along the North Coast.

Give those umbrellas a well-deserved break, Prince Rupert.