Dramatic 'wave' looking clouds develop over parts of the GTA

Stormy skies over southern Ontario filled with asperitas clouds Wednesday morning.

Social media erupted with images of some dramatic "wave" looking clouds that developed over parts of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) early Wednesday morning.

These clouds are known as asperitas clouds -- formally referred to as undulatus asperatus clouds.

"These relatively rare cloud formations take on the appearance of a ripple of waves in the atmosphere, giving an ultra 3D look of the clouds," explains Kelly Sonnenburg, a meteorologist at The Weather Network. "These clouds form due to a warmer, saturated air mass overriding a relatively stable and cooler layer of air at the surface."

FORECAST: Multi-day thunderstorm threat as heat, humidity builds across Ontario

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Take a closer look at the skies that captivated southern Ontarians:

Thumbnail image courtesy: Tosha Aitkins/Twitter