Storms and heavy rain prompt weather warnings for Vancouver Island

The most substantial rain in quite a while will impact Vancouver Island on Wednesday, with some places picking up between 30-50 mm by Thursday. Along with the rain is the potential for thunderstorms, as well

Rain showers have been few and far between across much of British Columbia this summer, but this week will offer an opportunity for a good soaking throughout some areas.

A low pressure system just off Vancouver Island will trigger showers, heavy at times, and thunderstorms across the central and south coast on Wednesday, prompting special weather statements throughout the region.

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Localized downpours could bring more than 50 mm of rain by Thursday, heightening the threat for flash floods and water pooling on roads.

"Watch for possible washouts near rivers, creeks and culverts," warns Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) in the special weather statement.

Wednesday into Thursday:

The most impactful rainfall through Wednesday is expected on Vancouver Island. Special weather statements for locally heavy showers and thunderstorms have been issued from Port Renfrew toward the south of the island, to Port Alice and in the north.

Baron - BC Wednesday thunderstorm

Between 30-50 mm of rain is expected, with locally heavier amounts exceeding 50 mm possible.

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The heaviest rain will last through the afternoon, and into the evening hours on Wednesday.

Drivers are urged to use caution, especially along Highway 19, and inland Vancouver Island along Highway 28, as heavy rain and thunderstorms could result in quickly deteriorating conditions and reduced visibility. Flash flooding and mudslides are also possible along hilly areas.

Baron - BC rain amounts

For the Vancouver region, about 5-15 mm is forecast.

The rainfall will ease for the Lower Mainland on Thursday, but light showers continue on Vancouver Island before ending by Thursday afternoon.

Baron - BC Wednesday precip

There will be another opportunity for more substantial rain Friday and into the weekend, with 15-30+ mm expected then. This is thanks to the same upper low that now swings into Washington, pushing instability and moisture up into B.C.

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Be sure to check back for the latest weather updates across B.C.