Delicate or damaging? Gauge the wind using this cheat sheet
Windy enough for you? Our weather forecasts include the wind speed on days when it’s at least 20 km/h. But what does it mean? When is the wind annoying, dangerous, or downright deadly? Here’s a cheat sheet:
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10 to 19 km/h Weather wanes will move, leaves will rustle, and you’ll feel a breeze on your face. Situation normal.
20 to 29 km/h Strong enough to straighten flying flags and shake small tree branches. Expect dust and loose paper garbage to fly around in the air.
30 to 39 km/h Small trees start to sway.
40 to 50 km/h Strong enough to break umbrellas and move large tree branches.
51 to 62 km/h Walking will be tough. Or incredibly easy, if you’re going in the same direction as the wind.
63 to 74 km/h Strong enough to send large, loose objects (garbage cans, patio furniture) flying. Tree limbs can break and driving gets white-knuckle—cars can veer off the road.
By 75 km/h, the wind is strong enough to damage structures. By 90 km/h it can uproot entire trees. And 118 km/h wind is considered hurricane force…but happily it doesn’t get that windy every day.
This article was originally published on by Jackie Davis.