Purple Christmas trees a surprise star this holiday season

Only a handful of trees will be available for purchase.

A Christmas tree farm in upstate New York is offering something extra special this year.

The Hanggi family has experimented with painting trees in the past and finds that purple is a crowd-pleaser.

The farm - which is located in wine country - first painted trees purple for a local grape festival.

This year they plan to paint up to 60 trees in sugar plum purple, using a food-grade colorant that isn't harmful to people or pets. There will also be some blue trees up for grabs.

Hanggi's tree farm - purple tree

Benjamin Hanggi poses with his father David alongside their reindeer Chet and Cupid (Facebook/Hanggi's Tree Farm)

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The paint helps the needles stay on the trees longer, USA Today reports - that's good news for homeowners who balk at the idea of constantly vacuuming under the tree.

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As for how the trees are painted, David Hanggi tells USA Today says it isn't hard to do, but the process is a closely-guarded secret.

“It’s a ‘grandma’s secret apple pie recipe’ type of thing,” he told the publication.

If you're in southern Ontario, Hanggi's Tree farm is roughly a 2.5-hour drive from the Niagara Falls border if you'd like the see the colourful creations for yourself.

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